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Description, breed history British short-haired cat

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In representation of the majority of people of a cat are fluffy graceful animals with extraordinary easy and graceful movements. It will be more interesting to that to get acquainted with cats other – the British short-haired, present aristocrats among the relatives in which shape gravity and solidity are combined with validity and good nature. To draw in the imagination an image of the typical short-haired British, it is possible to close eyes and to imagine the revived teddy bear with a smile of the Cheshire cat from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale.
British blue cat Lucia Silvery Snow at the age of 3 months The British cats have the aggravated self-respect. Despite the independent character, they always were considered as fine partners for children and older persons, however cats of this breed is better to get to people who have enough forces, time and patience to be engaged with the pupil and to give it enough time.
British short-haired – strong cats with a sound health. This sign was, is fixed thanks to a considerable quantity of a genetic material which was used in the course of formation of this breed, to its natural origin, and also careful selection work.
Kittens of British are born large enough. Growing up, they become very vigorous. The dung on the average consists of 4–5 kittens. Childbirth passes basically without problems. Mothers show touching care of the kids and don't move a step from them literally. Kittens open eyes approximately at the age of 1 week.
Kittens very quickly become dense, but not thick. Formation of the British short-haired cats occurs in some stages. The best exhibition form they reach at mature age. British very slowly mature: grow till 4 years, and full blossoming reach aged about 5 years. The British short-haired cats perfectly look almost all life, and they live till 18–20 years.
All British, irrespective of color, in the sizes and a body structure should correspond to the certain standard. In the sizes of separate animals considerable distinctions are marked.
In a maturity the typical British short-haired cat weighs 5–8 kg. Cats usually concede in weight a little. They it is ready less heavy on all parameters in comparison with cats, have much shorter jaw. A maturity reaches at the age of 2–3 years.

The British short-haired cat – a harmonious, stocky, brawny animal with soft, roundish forms. A breast wide, shoulders and a back massive, dense. A back part of a body the wide. Feet rather short, strong, extensive bone, with large, strong paws of the rounded off form.
British kitten Forward extremities straight lines, have the same length, as back. On them on 5 fingers, and on back – on 4. A tail thick at the basis, rather short, slightly cone-shaped, with the rounded off tip. Extremities and a tail are proportional to a body.
Head roundish from different directions (a fullface and in a profile), massive. The short and strong neck is perfectly developed. A skull wide. Muzzle outlines also roundish that strengthens sensation of power and force of the British short-haired cat.
The chin expressed, massive, without folds also has drooped-lostej, settles down flush with a nose and an upper lip. Cheeks round, dense. A forehead also the roundish form, with a small flat platform in the top part. The forehead inclination is inadmissible.
Nose short, wide and direct. In a profile on border with a forehead considerably small deepening. Ears of the average size, wide in the basis, widely put, tips slightly rounded off. The external surface of ears is in regular intervals covered by wool. Ears shouldn't deform the head form.
Eyes of cats big, round, widely placed. Their color at the majority of color variations окраса British should be copper. The exception is made by cats silvery colors (tabbi, chinchillas) at which eyes izumrudno - green or nut (golden), but at the same time meeting among them smoky should have copper eyes.
At all golden British (tabbi and chinchillas) eyes green. At white cats can be blue, gold or different color of an eye. For kolor-points the standard defines blue color of eyes.
Wool at British short-haired amazingly gentle, short, dense, a thin structure, with the dense, slightly shaken up underfur. Wool and an underfur should have the identical length which is not exceeding 2,4 sm because of what the British looks as if dressed in a fur coat.
The gentle velvety fur is poured in sun beams that gives to shape of an animal additional volume and softness of outlines. Prominent feature of the British is "double" wool not adjoining to a body – a heritage of crossings c the Persian cats.
At animals monophonic colors all strands of wood from roots to tips should be painted over in regular intervals. Smokiness, in one-color окрасах, bicolor as lacks aren't considered.
The British short-haired is characterized by variety colors. Their general quantity comes nearer to 60. Among them are most extended one-color окрасы – black, white, blue, cream, red, and also two-colored – serebristo-blue, tabbi and others.
The British short-haired cats can be disqualified at presence at them following signs:
• "medallions" and "buttons" in color;
• a long body;
• a weak chin;
• wrong color of eyes or a green bandlet in eyes at adult cats;
• defects of a tail;
• long or fluffy wool, too long or light underfur;
• wrong number of fingers;
• wrong окрас a nose or small pillows of paws;
• a jaw curvature, rare teeth or their shortage.
Besides, animals with any signs of illness or operations are disqualified.

According to a legend, the British cat has been brought to England by the Roman conquerors more 2 millenia ago. Ancestors of the British cats wandered on streets of English cities. Throughout long time these animals existed as simple house cats while factory owners haven't laid down for themselves the aim to deduce primordially English breed. So, in the end of XIX century the beginning was necessary to formation of modern type British short-haired about what in registration books of English club of fans of cats corresponding record, dated has been made 1898.
British kitten Known English selector Garrisson Vejer, the founder of movement of fans of cats has become interested in deducing of the best copies of British. It was the admirer of this breed about which wrote: «the Usual domestic cat, able to survive in the difficult circumstances. That it exists, – the best proof of force and endurance of nature».
In 1870 Vejer has suggested suit exhibitions of cats of various breeds, colors that owners could compare the pupils to other individuals of the same breed. Besides numerous visitors of exhibitions could admire beauty of the best representatives of a sort of cats.
It is necessary to notice that initially breed was called «British blue» as cats only blue color have been deduced. After years there were British cats and others colors.
To the beginning of XX century following classes of the British cats have been defined: one-color (black, white, blue), tabbi (brown, red, silvery), smoky tabbi, tiger tabbi, smoky (black, blue, black with white, white with black, tabbi with white, tortoise and tortoise with white).
Everyone color has been allocated in a separate class for which own standard is defined. But the general type already corresponded to modern standards: a powerful compact body, a large head, the big eyes, short and very dense wool of an equal structure with the same dense underfur. The sizes of animals were much less today's: cats weighed 4–5,5 kg, and cats – 3–4 kg.
In the USA up to 1968 to breed of the British short-haired cats continued to carry only those animals which wool has been painted in blue color. Only after on one of exhibitions the black kitty brought from Great Britain has won, fans of cats in America have learned that British happen as well others colors.
>>> is more detailed about stories of the British breed.

British short-haired – the combination of these words transfers force and endurance, aristocraticness and endurance, softness and inflexibility of character of animals. This breed as is impossible corresponds to character of the Englishmen who have entitled it more precisely.
British go to contact also are sociable, friendly and tender. They perfectly get on with all members of a family, and the mistress or the owner love simply selflessly. The cat can follow them from a room in a room while they will sit down and won't allow it to be attached by a number.
Possessing an inexhaustible stock of patience, British short-haired very much love children, well get on with other animals, even with dogs. But nevertheless as a children's toy of the British it is not necessary to get.
Despite quivering display of love and tenderness to the owners, this cat won't suffer too familiar relation to. Owners of these surprising creations quite often catch themselves on thought that to them it is not enough to address by name, and it is necessary to add «sir» or «please» as all kind these animals show own importance. In relations with people British keep independence which won't allow the person to become definitively the owner, more likely on the contrary. They do only that consider it necessary.
To characterize their relation to world around it is possible so: British perfectly concern only those people who love them, and get on only with those animals who don't annoy them the intolerable behavior. For many reasons of the British it is possible to name an ideal cat: the kind look, the most pleasant character, various color, the solid kind, self-respect literally radiated by an animal, simplicity in leaving and quiet temperament – all these features of breed have provided to it prompt launch of popularity.
Thanks to the independent character and wool not demanding special leaving the British short-haired are ideally suited for people who spend a lot of time on work. Not casually these animals have received the name «cats for the businessman».
>>> is more detailed about character of the British cats.

Materials of the book of O.A.Puhovoj are used

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British Shorthair Cattery Wool Spirit Happy New 2014 Year and Merry Christmas!
British Shorthair Cattery Wool Spirit Happy New 2014 Year and Merry Christmas!
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World Cat Show 5-6 October 2013 "WCF SilverJubilee - 25 Years Anniversary", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Here she is, the last step to the top! At the World Cat Show our cat Yannick Champion of the World!
International Cat Show 21-22 September 2013, the White City Cup - Best of Best Yanik and the best cat show! Get a second appraisal on the way to a world title!
International Cat Show 21-22 September 2013, the White City Cup - Best of Best Yanik and the best cat show! Get a second appraisal on the way to a world title!
International Cat Show 14-15 September 2013, an international championship "Master CAT", Kharkiv - our British cat Yannik opened the world title.
International Cat Show 14-15 September 2013, an international championship "Master CAT", Kharkiv - our British cat Yannik opened the world title.
World Cat Show 7-8 September 2013, Vitebsk, Belarus - closed Great European Champion title in our cat Yannik.
World Cat Show 7-8 September 2013, Vitebsk, Belarus - closed Great European Champion title in our cat Yannik.
The British kitten Lucia Silvery Snow age of 2 months.
The British kitten Lucia Silvery Snow age of 4 months.
The British kitten age of 1 month.
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